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Little Comberton Nr Pershore, Worcestershire

Paul Bogaatd
Wed 23rd Oct 24, 11:31am

I remember as a kid living in Smallbrook Road, Ross. When there was a fire or some incident at TCLongfords, when it was said a fireman got blown through a plate glass window. I remember the bang and the pall of smoke. Speaking of TC Longford, my dad had the first Mini car registered in Ross.

We lived in Berkeley House approx 1957-1982.

Eileen Haine from Australia
Sun 27th Nov 16, 2:45am

My father, dentist Colin Haine, bought it from Colonel Yates in 1957. It was thought that the house stood on the grounds of the cemetery as part of the Old Jail.

GWR Very Interesting

Kevin.L.P.Atkinson from Geelong,Victoria,Australia
Thu 4th Jun 15, 4:00am

What a beautiful location and the Station and buildings are superb whta a travesty that they were destroyed as were so much of The Railways,Kevin.L.P.Atkinson Rock Bassist/Writer.


David Insley from Surrey
Sat 4th Oct 14, 11:42pm

Does any one know of Linda Leek? she lived in Coghton in the 50/60's. Linda was my Childhood Sweetheart. I would love to hear from her or about her.

Looking for the whereabouts of Rosalind Husband

Grahame Coles from Philippines
Sat 27th Sep 14, 9:59am

In the mid 1960's I knew a young lady who lived near Ross on Wye who rode a motorcycle. I believe she moved to Sheffield and lived there in th 1970's. I would like very much to contact her re her motorcycle exploits both then and after that time. I would appreciate any way I can contact Ros as she was known then.

Telegraph, Telephone

mark fewtrell
Sun 27th Apr 14, 3:37pm

I have question. Does anyone know when, IF,the telegraph first came to Ross and Telephone.

Penyard Castle

Graham Walters from Andover
Sat 15th Feb 14, 11:23pm

Your dates about the scout hut are totally wrong, it wasn't built until the mid-sixties, I can remember going there with the scouts as late as 1970. The water was drawn from a spring just below the site, it also had a small generator for electricity. The hut itself comprised of three or four rooms, one large one as a sleeping dorm, a kitchen, and washroom.


Francis Selvey from Downingtown,PA,USA
Wed 7th Aug 13, 9:01pm

Great Page And Awsome information.I Attended Overross Secondary Modern From 1970-1976,The info You Gave was Great,Looks like The Two Schools Merged just after I Left.Brought Alot of Good memories.I Lived in Gorsley.

Job well Done!


Jean Rohr Shufelt from Spencerport, NY
Sat 16th Mar 13, 10:55pm

What wonderful pictures of the "castle". I am a descendant of Thomas Hopkins, on my mothers side of our family,and was excited to hear about and see pictures of Bollitree. My Uncle had done a genealogy on the Miller family and actually has visited Bollitree Castle on his trip to England during his research of our family. Even though a folly by definition, it's still a very exciting discovery. The entire website was very interesting !


Tue 6th Nov 12, 2:15pm

I've been on board the Wye invader barge recently , all it's engine run as they should, and it's very capable of sailing

Ben Rose

Jeff Hibbard from Birmingham UK
Sun 26th Aug 12, 11:54am

Hi, my uncle, ben (benjamin??) rose, lived in ross on wye, we stopped hearing from ben in the 1960s, im trying to find his date of birth so i can finish my rose tree, his parents were, mark rose who married, alice bird, in 1912,

bens siblings where,

mark, george, bill, beat(rice), mary, bernard and pat(ricia),

i am one of the children of beatrice may rose who married les hibbard, we live in birmingham,

i cant find bens d.o.birth anywhere, nor on any family history website, any help would be welcome, Jeff Hibbard.

Purland Chase

john Spencer from Ross on wye
Sun 20th May 12, 6:12pm

20 May 2012

Today we visited the field site from the right hand end off the footpath,walked along to the seat and enjoyed the views and especially the mature trees round the edge of the site. I have a question. How is one supposed to exit the site? We walked to the bottom of the field and read the notice board which We found interesting. The only exit we could find was through the LARGE metal gates which had the catch padlocked open, as they are electric gates I leaned gently on one and pushed it open just enough for us to squeeze through. I'm sure there must be a better way out!

I look forward to comments .

John Spencer

Purland Chase

Patricia Brewster
Mon 19th Sep 11, 6:01pm

I was very thrilled to see the old Pictures of Purland Chase as I Lived in the Property as a Child for four years this being in the 1940s I have many happy memories of the House and Grounds

Goods Shed

Mike from Haverfordwest
Thu 29th Jul 10, 10:27am

I passed through Ross last week on a bus and noticed the old railway goods shed and the mural. Intrigued I did a search and your very informative site came up with all I wished to know. Many thanks.

Family of David Holt died 1929 in Ross

Bernadette Holt from Ireland
Wed 16th Jul 08, 1:44pm

Hi there, I am looking for any information on David Holt who was living with his daughter Susan (I don't know married name) in Newent in 1929 and his death was reg. in Ross. I am looking for any living relatives. Thank you.
Reply: If anyone has any information that may help, please send it to me and I will pass it on.

Jenny Scheiwe (Nee Davis) from Brisbane, Australia
Tue 20th May 08, 12:58pm

Hello again, I recently sent an email regarding my late Father, but I am wondering if anyone knows or can put me in touch with my Aunty and Uncle whom still still in Ross on Wye. Their names are Warren and Joan with grown sons called Andrew and Lee. Joan was my Father's only sister,they sent flowers to his funeral. Thank you with kind regards....Jenny
Reply: If anyone has any information that may help, please send it to me and I will pass it on to Jenny.


Jennifer Scheiwe Nee Davis from Brisbane Australia
Sun 27th Apr 08, 1:28pm

My Father Geoffrey Raymond Davis grew up in Ross-On-Wye. My siblings and I were fortunate for Dad to take us there when we were younger back in 1984. He has now since passed regretable, but I like to keep him alive by remembering where he came from. Looking through this site and looking at the photos, his father was called George.
Reply: Thanks for the message and I am glad you have found something of interest.

Ref. Newent Receipt H.Eves

Mr Alfred Eves from Cardiff. South Wales.
Tue 26th Feb 08, 12:22pm

Ref: Newent Grocery receipt Harry Eves. The owner was my Grandfather and the family also owned a Garage/Ironmongers and a Wool shop next door. I remember as a young lad in the 50's going to the shop with my father. Do you have any more details?
Reply: Please see my email. Unfortunately I do not have many details for Newent, but I will keep my eyes open just in case

Great to see the updates!

Karen W from Ross-on-Wye
Fri 1st Feb 08, 11:57am

Following my first discovering this site just over two years ago, I'm now a regular visitor. It's great to see the site being updated so frequently and the photos which give inside views not available to the casual passer-by. Keep up the good work!
Reply: Hi Karen, thanks for returning and making further comments. It is always interesting to find out who is a new visitor and who has visited before.

Great to see our old home town

Lynda Barrington from Christchurch, New Zealand
Thu 6th Dec 07, 8:35am

Having moved to New Zealand ten year ago I really enjoyed showing by boys our old home town.

The images are superb, your site earns a spot in my favorites. kind regards Lynda
Reply: Lynda, I am glad that you found the site useful especially being as you are about as far away as you can get!!

Re Flooding and the Alleviation Scheme

Gareth Hughes (on behalf of the geography department John Kyrle High School)
Wed 21st Nov 07, 11:46am

Just found these wonderful resources. They are so useful for our GCSE and A level geography students. Thank you for the updated photographs and explanations.
Reply: I am glad you found the images useful. Please let me know if you would like any copies of the original higher quality images.

We will visit your beautifull city soon!

Aubrey Cheek from Abbeville , SC USA
Tue 2nd Oct 07, 4:27pm

My Daughter married Sam Arnold , Rodger and Ali's son who are from your city. Sam sent us the link to this web site , WOW ! It is fantastic! and what a beautifull city , we can't wait to visit.

We will see all of you soon.

Aubrey and Donna Cheek
Reply: I have known Sam for many years but not seen him for years until recently when I bumped into him, along with your daughter, a few months ago. I am glad to hear that you are coming over to visit and I hope you enjoy the trip!

Wye Invader

Jacob Keizer from Holland
Mon 24th Sep 07, 9:21pm

Hallo I was the Dutch owner of the Wye Invader

The dutch name was not `Zilbermeeve` but `Zilvermeeuw`
Reply: Thanks Jacob, I will correct that.

What a gem!

P. Eccles from Now living in Ross
Fri 3rd Aug 07, 9:55am

I'm new to the area having moved from Manchester and have found this a most useful, interesting and easy to navigate site. It has prompted me to go and explore the town in much further detail and to walk around with my eyes open for the less obvious.
Reply: Thanks for your comments, I am glad you found the site interesting.

Stuart Wheeler from Manchester UK
Mon 23rd Jul 07, 8:14pm

I lived in Ross from 1978 - 1981 aged 9. Had many fun times and adventures in and around the town. I lived at the bottom of Cawdor, off Brampton Street. We had a large plot of land that used to be the old railway line. I remember a friend of mine called Chris Morris, lived over the road from me, his dad was a fire man. Not seen him for close on 30 years. My farther cleared his loft out and found all my old bottles I dug up from the old bottle dump in Ross. I’ve found 3 bottles from ACBC Ltd (The old brewery company). Might be worth a few ££

I’ve been watching the news all about the floods in and around the area and do I remember the floods. In fact I have 8 photos taken from top of the town looking down on the river in flood, taken in the winter of 1980. If you want a copy of them I’ll be happy to send them. I have loads of other photos I could sent if you want them.

The site is full of interesting content and well formatted. Spent over an hour on the site reminiscing and showing my 7 year old daughter the places I used to play. Thanks very much!
Reply: Thanks for the offer, I look forward to hearing from you again.

Ross-on-Wye Site

Anthony Baynham from Minden,Germany
Sun 22nd Jul 07, 10:28pm

Hi! As an old Rossian,I was delighted to find an excellent site covering my home town.Somewhat disturbed about the present floods. Hope the rain stops soon! For those who might remember me, I'm George(Bert) Baynham's son. Been away from Ross a long time!! 22.07.07 23.30 hrs.
Reply: Fortunately the flooding in Ross was not as severe as other local towns and cities so we had a lucky escape this time!


Mervyn Tommey from Upton Bishop
Thu 26th Apr 07, 4:25am

Excellent site. Don't know how I found it. I am a son of Ross-on-Wye. My Father was cashier of the old Alton Court Brewery for some 40 years and among many other 'escapades' I managed the Roxy Cinema and was Chairman of the UDC back in the 60's.
I have various photos of Ross including interiors of the Roxy if you would like them. I also own up to being the Cantilupe Road primary school manager responsible for having my old school declared unsafe and closed.
Reply: Thanks Mervyn, please see my email reply

The Man Of Ross news paper

Rob Counsell from Essex
Mon 11th Dec 06, 9:43pm

I am the great x3 grandson of J W F Counsell,the publisher of The Man of Ross. Do you have any infomation about him or his newspaper that is not on your site. Anything would be greatfully apreciated as I am researching my family history.From 1881 census J w F Counsell is still a newspaper propriotor at 38 Broad Street & his son J A J Counsell a journalist. In 1891 census J A J Counsell is a printer compositer at 45 High Street. Is there anything you can add to this ?
Regars Rob Counsell
Reply: I will see what I can find ...


Graham Rix from UK
Tue 21st Nov 06, 10:29am

What a fantastic website! I came here totally by accident, having never been to Ross-on-Wye, or even that part of the country. I've just spent a pleasurable ten minutes browsing and I'll be sure to add the site to my favourites.

The history is engaging and the many photographs are splendid. I haven't found a better 'town' website yet. Kudos to whoever put the time and effort into putting this website together!

your reply on google group

Mike Underwood from mexborough, south yorkshire
Thu 21st Sep 06, 11:39am

Nice site with good balance of text and graphics.

Thanks for your comments on the google group regarding vulcan-studios. I notice your hyphenated site is now indexed by google. How long did it take if you don't mind my asking?
Reply: Hi Mike, I have replied with what I have done here to solve the issue. I hope it helps.

friend searching

Irmingard Emanuel from Hauptstr.6 D 35469 Allendorf
Sat 16th Sep 06, 3:18pm

I am searching for an old friend, Mrs. Sheila Jeffryes, who apparently lives in your town since her husband died about 10 years ago. I was an au pair girl in her house in 1969 and would like to get in contact with her very much. Could you help me with her address and/ or phone number?

Thanks a lot
Irmingard Emanuel
Reply: I hope my email helped. I look forward to hearing the results.

The Railway

Alistair Minton from Ross-on-Wye
Thu 14th Sep 06, 11:12pm

I am from Ross, and I am very interested in railways, and I found your railways page very interesting, and I've shown it to my friends all over the country! Thank you for providing me with the information!
Reply: Hi Alistair, I am glad you found something of interest. I am hoping to add some new material soon to this section but I am yet to take the photos so I am also hoping for good weather!!

Fri 8th Sep 06, 9:46pm

I am very impressed.
Reply: Thanks Dave.

Regina Roberts from California, United States of America
Wed 5th Jul 06, 4:36pm

Good Morning,
I have recently been given a painting that a Great Uncle painted while stationed in Germany many years ago. In the painting there is a stone bridge over a small river with a church steeple in the background behind tall trees. A building with a sign \"Riverside Inn\" is in the foreground.
While researching this painting I have come to your web site.
Do you think this could be Ross on the Wye? One of your lovely pictures showed a bridge that could be mine from Wilton. Do you have any pictures or knowledge of any Americans living in this area in the 1950's?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks you sincerely.... Regina Roberts
ps I can scan and send a copy of my painting if you would like. Thanks again.
Reply: Thanks for your enquiry and please see the email I sent you yesterday.

Richard Mayo from Ross on wye
Mon 27th Feb 06, 2:50pm

Great Ross site! Easy to navigate and really interesting. I have a lot of old postcards of ross and other bits and pieces if your interested in copies let me know. You should get a link from wyenot . com to improve your hits.
again well done!!
Reply: Thanks Richard, I am glad you have found the site interesting. Thanks for your kind offer and I would be very interested to know what items and details you have to share.

John Hedges
Wed 22nd Feb 06, 7:24pm

Enjoyed looking at your photographs

andy hiley from Ross on wye
Sun 19th Feb 06, 9:54pm

well done on a fantastic pictorial guide around our town,in this day and age of rush here and hurry there, its good to just look at places I pass everyday.
Reply: Thanks - I was surprised just how much there was to see in and around Ross too. And I still keep finding extra things and adding them when ever possible!!

Multicore Solders

Barry from Watford
Mon 13th Feb 06, 7:25pm

I currently work at Multicore Solders so seeing the company's old war time site is of particular interest. It seems very small in comparison to today's site in Hemel Hempstead.
Reply: Hi Barry. It certainly is not a very large site, but, although I have no evidence at the moment, it may well be the case that they had multiple sites around the county to protect their production in the event of one site being damaged or destroyed. Or the company may have just been much smaller then.

Excellent Site!

Karen W from Ross-onWye(!)
Fri 20th Jan 06, 1:41pm

An excellent site packed with lots of interesting local information. Well done!
Reply: Thanks Karen, your comment is appreciated.

New comments 7

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