

Good Ross-on-Wye TIC to stay in Town

Added: 23 November 2008

As reported in the Ross Gazette2, Ross Labels is not on the list of possible locations.

Herefordshire Council has stated that Ross Labels is not an option for the location of the Ross Tourist Information Centre when the lease of Swan House expires in 2010.

A number of further options are being considered in a further options paper that is in preparation. The options are all town-based locations and the Ross Labels option is not included. The decision on the preferred site will be taken after consultation with the Cabinet member and local council members.

A few options suggested to myself by local people have been from the obvious empty shops to making it part of the Council offices in the Corn Exchange. The chosen options will become clear with the publication of the options paper.

Bad Ross-on-Wye TIC to move out of Town

Added: 13 November 2008

The Tourist Information Centre in Ross, which was highly influential in the birth of Tourism in Britain, could be under serious threat.

Back in the 1980's the Tourist Information Centre was located in the centre of town at 20 Broad Street (immediately above Seven Seas) and a decision was made to move it to Swan House in the early 1990's as this was deemed to be a more suitable location. Now there are plans to move the Tourist Information Centre from Swan House right out of town to Ross Labels.

As reported in the Ross Gazette1, on the afternoon of Tuesday 11th November, Tourist providers met at The Royal Hotel and said they were angry that they had had to hear about the possible move from a Councillor. This came to light during a meeting at the Chasedale Hotel to discuss the Flood Alleviation Scheme.

Nigel Gibbs, the Ross Tourism group's chairman, said he was told that the move was 'probable rather than possible'. Mr Gibbs said he had spoken to Ms Jane Lewis at the Herefordshire Council who said that the preferred option would be to have the TIC office at Ross Labels with a smaller presence within the town, possibly at the Heritage Centre.

Mr Gibbs said:

"I had no categorical denial of the possibility. Inevitably it all comes down to cost and the cost of Swan House is prohibitive."

It has emerged that Councillor Gordon Lucas had heard the suggestion some time ago but 'he had dismissed it' but he went on to say:

"As far as I'm concerned no decision has been made yet."

Although Mr Gibbs then went on to day that he understood the decision has been made and the move was planned for March 2009.

The Touist Information Centre is already too far out of town at Swan House. If it is moved to Ross Labels it will be completely remote from the Town. The question that needs to be answered is, how can a Touist Information Centre that is not within the Town actually a benefit to tourism in the area? The TIC is not just for the benefit of visitors, it is also there to serve the community in which it is situated.

1 Article: Ross TIC to move out of town? - Ross Gazette - No. 6736 Wednesday 12th November 2008
2 Article: Ross Labels site no longer option for TIC - Ross Gazette - No. 6737 Wednesday 19th November 2008

[Page updated: Feb 15 2011 13:31:59]

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