

Prospect Collapse

22nd October 2007

Currently there has been very little change other than some tidying of the collapsed soil.

8th April '07

The collapsed wall from the church yard (Click for larger images)

The collapsed wall (8-4-07)
The collapsed area
(Click for a larger image)

Here we see that the wall has still not been replaced. One of the Redwood trees has been cut down presumably because its roots have not been helping the situation.

The collapsed wall from the Prospect (Click for larger images)

23rd January 2007

The clear up in the Prospect (23-1-07)
The clear up has started
(Click for a larger image)

The cleanup of the wall between the churchyard and the Prospect has started. The stone has been cleared from where it collapsed, presumably ready to be reused in the replacement wall.

The cleared wall (Click for a larger image)

1 The Ross Gazette - Wednesday June 4th 2008
2 The Hereford Times - Thursday June 5th 2008
3 The Ross Gazette - Wednesday September 10th 2008 - no. 6727 - article: Roman remains or landmark tree?
4 The Ross Gazette - Wednesday September 17th 2008 - no. 6728 - article: A new home for Ross War Memorial
5 Ross-on-Wye Journal - Wednesday October 6th 2008 - article: Tree will go at Prospect
6 The Ross Gazette - Wednesday November 25th 2009 - article: Prospect restored
7 http://en.wikipedia....ncient_Roman_pottery,

[Page updated: Feb 15 2011 13:31:59]

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