War Memorial
World War One
The War Memorial commemorates the people who perished in the First and Second World Wars from the Ross District.
The inscription states:
To the Glory of God and in memory of those in Ross District who fell in the Great War 1914 - 1918.
They died that we might live in Peace and Liberty
The names listed for the Great War 1914 - 1918 are listed below the images. Each of the people listed has been researched in detail by Mr. Bill Webb who pusblished his research 2016 and has very kindly supplied a
copy of the documents (one for each side of the memorial) for public reference and these are added as downloads below the lists of names.
The Great War for civilisation 1914-1919 War Memorial - Side 1(Size: 6 MB) [Downloads: 0 ]
Side 1 Column 1 - Ernest E. Arbery
- Chas. Henry Bird
- Edward Blake
- Chas. Henry Bland
- Henry J. Bray
- Wm. Martin Brown
- Cecil Kerwood Gater
- Jas. Henry Chester
- Wm. Charles Clarke
- Wm. Thomas Clarke
- Charles J. Colwell
| Side 1 Column 2 - Charles E. Cook
- Frederick P. Cooper
- Tom Cooper
- Rolf Cox
- John C. Davies
- Edmund Per B. Davies
- Leslie Terrett Day
- Frederick Dix
- James Dix
- Hubert Downing
- Lionel G. Evans
- Granville Fowler
- Alfred Arthur Francis
The Great War for civilisation 1914-1919 War Memorial - Side 2(Size: 7.2 MB) [Downloads: 0 ]
Side 2 Column 1 - Tom Green
- Francis R. Green
- George T. Gibbs
- John Griffiths
- Thos. F. Griffiths
- This. Henry Guy
- Stephen Gwilliam
- Charles Hall
- George E. Hall
- Walter S. Wm. Halls
- John A. Harris
- Harry L. Hiller
- Douglas Honey
| Side 2 Column 2 - Arthus Husbands
- James R. Jackson
- Fredk T. Johnson
- Harry G. Johns
- John Wm. Jonnson
- Francis Ernest Jones
- Tom Jones
- Wallace R. Jones
- Theophilus Jordan
- George Knill
- Fredk. G. Lafford
- Herbert H. Large
- Geo. Stanley Leighton
The Great War for civilisation 1914-1919 War Memorial - Side 3(Size: 6.9 MB) [Downloads: 0 ]
Side 3 Column 1 - Charles Little
- Ernest H. Lloyd
- E. Tom Llewellyn
- Vernon L. Matthews
- Chas. Reginald Mapp
- Walter Marshall
- M. Hereward Meredith
- Edward Mills
- Charles Moore
- Arthur Morgan
- Wallace A. Partridge
- Albert C. Perkins
- Williams Perkins
| Side 3 Column 2 - Douglas H. Pike
- Wm. Henry Peters
- Richard W. Picknell
- Alfred Price
- Ernest Sidney Powell
- Alfred Raymond
- Charles Robinson
- Charles Rogers
- Clement Ross
- Jas A. Saunders
- Joseph R. Scudamore
- Ernest J. P. Seymour
- Bertie M. Sherwood
The Great War for civilisation 1914-1919 War Memorial - Side 4(Size: 6.7 MB) [Downloads: 0 ]
Side 4 Column 1 - Cecil A. M. Smith
- Octave S. Surr
- G. Elsmore Taylor
- Robt. Fredk. Taylor
- Arthur Teague
- Philip J. Thackway
- Herbert J. Tingle
- Percival Tingle
- Walter R. Tingle
- Alexander A. Tippet
- Thos. A. Tompkins
- Victor George Ursell
- William Veale
| Side 4 Column 2 - Samuel B. Wall
- Louis A. Waites
- Milson Watkins
- Horace W. Weale
- Alfred R. West
- Godfret P. Wilden
- Allen Wood
- Reginald G. Yemm
- Thomas Henry Yemm
- George Davis
- A. E. Wood
- William Davis
- Walter E. Hope
- Walter Lloyd
- Gerald Pope
[Page updated: Feb 09 2025 14:07:37]