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Old Photos of the High Street

These are various pictures of the High Street in Ross-on-Wye.

This is a postcard view of the High Street Ross-on-Wye. On the right is W. Raymond, who were a shoe specialists, next to that is the Ross Gazette Office and on the corner is Harts Chemists. To the left can be seen the George Hotel and Garage which was demolished and replaced by George Place.

The High Street
A postcard view of the corner of the High Street
[No. 108 unknown publisher]
(Click for a larger image)

John Kyrles House
A postcard view of John Kyrles House, Ross
[unknown publisher]
(Click for a larger image)

The two postcards below and the one to the left show John Kyrle's House Ross at various different times.

Below left shows the building in 1911 when H. C. Jefferies had a Printers and Stationers shop there, along with a library. Mr. Jefferies had taken over the stationers from Powles.

In 1914, The Ross Gazette took over the premises and changed the frontage; they continued to run the library.

The picture to the left shows a much wider angle, also showing the shop next door, which was Harts the Chemists.

A postcard view of H.C.Jefferies shop in 1911
[published by H.C.Jefferies]
(Click for a larger image)
The High Street
A postcard view of the Ross Gazette shop post 1914
[published by Ross Gazette]
(Click for a larger image)

Tudor Tea Rooms

The Tudor Tea Rooms was well known as a cafe within the town. This was on the High Street and is where the Town Barber shop is today.

Tudor Tea Rooms, Ross-on-Wye
Tudor Tea Rooms, Ross-on-Wye c.1938
[Published: Unknown]
(Click for a larger image)

Accident in Town

The High Street
A postcard view of a collision on the High Street
[many thanks to Richard Mayo]
(Click for a larger image)

This is a postcard view (published by R.E. Davies) of a collision between a bus and a lorry on the High Street outside of the Saracens Head Inn sometime between 1922 and 1939. The bus belonged to B.Barnes & Sons who were based in Bury Road Rawtenstall which is in Lancashire and the lorry may well have been one of Llewellyn's who were based in the Station Yard, Ross.

This view must be pre-1915 as the Ross Gazette office is still shown on the corner of the High Street and Church Street.

To the right of the shot, there is the Crystal Cafe and Board House which also did Accommodation for Cycles, and this is currently Annie's restaurant. Next up the street is the Kings Head Hotel (which still remains) and then there is the Corn Exchange which is now offices and Grandma Peggy's sweet shop.

The High Street Ross-on-Wye
A postcard view of the High Street Ross-on-Wye
[No. 54484 published by Friths]
(Click for a larger image)

The bottom of the Corn Exchange was Banister and Foxwell which was a clothes shop and my father remembers visiting there in the 1950's to get what was probably his primary school uniform. He remembers that it was a dark shop as the blinds where nearly always extended out of the front of the shop to stop the light fading the clothes. They also had curtains that were hung on the outside of the windows to also help stop the light. Opposite this was Heals which was a haberdashery and one of my aunties used to work there.

On the left is the Gazette Office Printers and Booksellers which was where the Ross Gazette newspaper was printed along with various other adverts, guides and publicity for the town and its shops, regatta programs and books. On the walls next to the entrances appear to be various views of Ross and St. Mary's Church. Between the Gazette Office and the next shop up is a sign saying Vaughans The Works and this could possibly relate to something they published and were advertising. Slightly further up appears to be a clothing or drapers. Then on the corner with St. Mary's Street is Lloyds Bank.

High Street from the Market House

The High Street Ross-on-Wye in 1915
A view of the High Street Ross-on-Wye in 1915
(Click for a larger image)
The High Street Ross-on-Wye in 2011
A view of the High Street Ross-on-Wye in 2011
(Click for a larger image)

These two photos, both supplied by David Bruce, show how little Ross High Street has changed in almost 100 years.

The photo on the left was taken in 1915 and comes from the collection of MSP. The placard announces that a German Cruiser has been sunk. On the far left is 40 High Street which was Lawrence and Fowler for many years. They were a Newsagents, Stationers and Printers and they also printed the Ross Gazette. They sold Post Cards, Greeting Cards, Goss China, Royal Devon Art Pottery, Fancy Goods, Toys Presents and they delivered papers daily. It later became a furniture shop (Herefordshire Furniture) for a short period.

The building was purchased and became the Antique Teashop, which was a quirky old style teashop. In 2007 it was sold again to David and Sara Bruce who renovated the entire building and opened Pots and Pieces Teashop and Gallery in March 2008. It is now a popular meeting place for locals and visitors to the Town can enjoy loose leaf tea, great coffee and a wonderful array of homemade cakes. There is also an unusual collection of giftware on display for customers to browse while they sit and relax.

It is interesting to note the original shop next door (T. Bannister and Co.) which either caught fire or became unstable as was demolished. It was replaced with the current building in 1921 which is now the Ross Cookshop.

High Street from the junction with St. Mary's Street

The High Street Ross-on-Wye
A postcard view of the High Street Ross-on-Wye
[No. 67702 published by Friths]
(Click for a larger image)

To the right can be seen a bank followed by a shop selling Judges Postcards. Next along is Brown and Seymour Ltd which has various signs about hair cutting outside. Further down on the corner of Church Street is a shop with 43 - Kyrle written on it and obviously a dentists above.

On the left is Radleys Complete Outfitters and a bit further down can be seen the sign for the Kings Head Hotel.

This is a shot from slightly further down the street. In the middle of the shot is a person riding a bike down the street whilst a motorbike and sidecar is coming up the street and following that is a car.

To the right is Heals who were outfitters and further down, on the corner of Church Street is Turners Shoe shop (the shop entrance still has Turners Rightform Shoes decorating it [image]). On the right can be seen the signs for the New Theatre Cinema and the Kings Head Hotel.

The High Street Ross-on-Wye
A postcard view of the top end of the High Street
[Unknown publisher]
(Click for a larger image)

Broad Street
Ross on Wye High St.
[Published by Judges]
(Click for a larger image)

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[Page updated: Jun 09 2012 21:45:08]

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