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Kyrle House

Inside and around John Kyrle House are a number of interesting features both related to John Kyrle and to people who have used the building since he was there.

In the house, on the upper floors, is a considerable amount of original panelling, such as this seen in what was John Kyrle's parlour.

There is also a punched door, as seen below left, which used to be part of a pair of doors that were on cupboards on either side of the main fireplace in the house. The punching depicts the coat of arms of John Kyrle.

Outside of the house is a studded door, below right, also depicting John Kyrle's coat of arms, and which bares the year 1680.

Panelling in John Kyrle`s house
Panelling in the house
(Click for a larger image)

John Kyrle`s pierced door
John Kyrle's pierced door
(Click for a larger image)
John Kyrle`s studed door
John Kyrle's studed door
(Click for a larger image)

Other items of Interest

On one of the windows in the house is some early graffiti which states:

Mr. Brookes let this house to Mesrs Jones & Love Bakers May 29th 1824

Below that is a latin phase:

Amor nummi crescit quantum ipse pecunia crescit

Which seems to mean:

The love of wealth grows as the wealth itself grows or The love of money grows as our wealth increases.

Graffiti in John Kyrle`s house
Graffiti in John Kyrle's house
(Click for a larger image)

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[Page updated: Jun 09 2012 21:45:08]

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