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The Market House from Gloucester Road

A postcard (published by J. Salmon - no. 1881) view of the Market House taken circa 1910 as the plaster has been removed from the Saracens Head but not the shop next door.

An air of inquisitive suspicion that seems to emanate from the men grouped together in the bottom left of the shot. They somehow manage to look slightly like a flock of sheep that have grouped together for protection.

A postcard view from the Wye
A postcard view of the Market House
(Click for a larger image)

A postcard view Ross on Wye
A postcard view of the Market House Ross-on-Wye
(Click for a larger image)

A postcard (published by Phototype - no. 52728) view of the Market House from the direction of Gloucester Road. This is believed to be c. 1920 as the Saracens Head building had had the plaster removed showing the woodwork and that was not completely removed until 1920. Interesting points are the Norwich Union Fire Office, various old cars and a great banner over the Chemists shop advertising that it sells Kodak supplies.

A postcard (published by Frith's - no. 32427) view of the Market House from the direction of Gloucester Road. The picture is pre-1905 as the woodwork of the old Saracens Head Pub is still covered over in plaster and this was removed in around 1905.

A postcard view Ross on Wye
A postcard view of the Market House Ross-on-Wye
(Click for a larger image)

A postcard view Ross on Wye
A postcard view of the Market House Ross-on-Wye
(Click for a larger image)

A postcard (published by E.T.W Dennis & Sons Ltd.) view of the Market House from the direction of Gloucester Road.

A postcard (published by Photochrom Co. Ltd. - no. E_40408) view of the Market Place from the direction of Gloucester Road.

A postcard view Ross on Wye
A postcard view of the Market Place Ross-on-Wye
(Click for a larger image)

A postcard view Ross on Wye
A postcard view of the Market House Ross-on-Wye
(Click for a larger image)

A postcard (unknown publisher - no. 10363 - circa 1908?) view of the Market House from the direction of Gloucester Road.

A postcard (published by Photochrom Co. Ltd. - no. V1299 - circa 1940) view of a vary busy day around the Market House taken from the direction of Gloucester Road.

Interestingly the Market House clock shows exactly midday and J. M. Dewhust's the butchers is in the bulding that is currently 'The Card Shop' and 'Melias' is where 'Nationwide' is now.

A postcard view Ross on Wye
A postcard view of the Market House Ross-on-Wye
(Click for a larger image)

A postcard view Ross on Wye
A postcard view of the Market House Ross-on-Wye
(Click for a larger image)

A postcard (unknown publisher but it is from the "Wye Studio" series - early 1900).

Under the Market House, a child can be seen standing next to the end pillar and the fire ladder plus cart can be seen. To the right of the Market House is the Fire and Life Insurance Offices and above that is a sign for a House & Estate Agents with a child walking up in front of the building.

To the left of the Market House there is a what looks like either two Police Men or a Police Man and a man talking to to him. Both of whom are stood in the road. There is a man ready to climb up a ladder to the front of one of the shops and a general on looker to the far left. Behind the Market House, you can just make out the hexagonal post box that used to be there.

A postcard (published by Photocrom - no. 71127) titled "Ross-on-Wye, Market Hall" showing the Market House and was probably taken circa 1920.

Although it is a very poor card and looks highly over exposed, it also appears to be a copy of another card because in the bottom left there is the feint outline of the words "Market Hall Ross".

On the left of the shot can be seen the "India & China Tea Co. Ltd" shop and there are a number of watchers under the market house. Also there is a small dog stood in the middle of the road in the bottom right of the shot.

The Market Ross-on-Wye
A postcard view of a Market in Ross-on-Wye
(Click for a larger image)

The Market Ross-on-Wye
A postcard view of the Market Hall in Ross-on-Wye
(Click for a larger image)

A postcard (published by Raphael Tuhk & Sons - no. 1581) titled "Market Hall, Ross" showing the Market House and was probably taken circa 1900.

This is a particularly interesting card as it shows how truely sleepy Ross was at the turn of the 19th-20th century. When you consider that the horse is stood in in the middle of the main road to London, then you can see that traffic, that currently dogs the town, was not an issue.

The horse looks like it is dozing in the sun, whilst the man on the far left lights his pipe and a man strolls down the middle of the road. The atmosphere looks warm and relaxed as there are two children lounging and watching from under the market house and on the far right there is a man who just managed to get into the shot.

Horse in the road
An enlargement of the horse in the road
(Click for a larger image)

Just above and behind the horse, you can see a sign for the 'Great Western Railway Office' in the town and one for Watsons Ironmongers, who were established in 1741 and where still going under the name "Watson & Son (Ross) Ltd" in 1984.

The Market Ross-on-Wye
The Market House in Ross-on-Wye
(Click for a larger image)

A postcard (published by Salmon - no. 3924c) titled "The Market Hall, Ross-on-Wye" showing the Market House and was probably taken circa 1970.

This is one of the only postcards I have seen which have the National Provincial Bank in the shot.

A postcard (a Misch & Co.'s "Camera Graph" - no. 639/6) titled "Old Market Hall, Ross" showing the Market House and Market Place and is a pre 1900 shot.

The Market Ross-on-Wye
The Market House in Ross-on-Wye
(Click for a larger image)

The Market Ross-on-Wye
A postcard view of the Market Hall in Ross-on-Wye
(Click for a larger image)

A postcard (published by Ernest Joyce & Co. Ltd) titled "Market Hall, Ross on Wye" showing the Market House and Market Place in the 1970's.

In the middle of the cross between Broad Street, Gloucester Road and High Street is a police man directing traffic. Under the Market House there is a market and in front of the Market Hall is a yellow bubble car with its front open.

To the far left of the shot, where Thorntons is now, is a Wine a Spirits shop next to the Chemists. To the far right can be seen the National Provincial Bank with Raynors in the background.

A real photo postcard (unknown publisher) titled "Ye Olde Market House, Ross-on-Wye" showing the Market House and Market Place in the 1930's.

On the left, the Library sign can be clearly seen above the place where the Ross Gazette Office doorway. The Ross Gazette was also the "Depot for Swan Pens" at this time.

The Market Ross-on-Wye
A postcard view of the Market Hall in Ross-on-Wye
(Click for a larger image)

The Market Ross-on-Wye
A postcard view of the Market Place in Ross-on-Wye
(Click for a larger image)

A postcard (published by E.S. London - no. 1225) titled "Ross-on-Wye The Old Market Place" showing the Market House and Market Place in around 1910.

Old Photo circa 1950's

A real photo postcard (published by Salmon - no. 20444) titled "The Market House, Ross-on-Wye" showing the Market House and Market Place in around 1950.

Here you can see how the popularity of cars has increased and in the middle of the Gloucester Road and High Street junction there is a policeman directing traffic (hence the white arm covers). The policemen who stood there often had a white spot on the ground in order to maintain their position.

The Market Ross-on-Wye
A postcard view of the Market Place in Ross-on-Wye
(Click for a larger image)

This card also shows many of the old shops that used to be around the Market House and on the west side of the Market Place.

To the left can be seen "Burton's" which was a family grocers and off license. Their delivery van is parked outside the shop. Burtons was established in 1858 and sold groceries, provisions, cooked meats, confectionary wines, spirits, bottled beers and ciders.

Behind the van there is a man stood on something (possibly a scaffold) and he appears to be painting the shop that is there.

To the far right is "Melias Ltd" (now "Nationwide") and next to that is "J.H. Dewhurst Ltd" who were a butchers (it is now The Card Shop). Next to that is Raynors who were drapers, costumiers and furnishers and were agents for Liberty Famous Fabrics, Rodex Travel Coats, Burberry Rain Coats, Jaeger and Wolsey, Christy and Osman Towels and Early's Witney Blankets. They also sold carpets, rugs and linoleum and loose covers and other upholstering items. This is now the site of "Boots" the chemists.

New Photo

A couple of views of the Market House and Market Place taken in August and December 2005 for comparison between the present and past.

A postcard view Ross on Wye
A view of the Market House Ross-on-Wye (Aug '05)
(Click for a larger image)
A postcard view Ross on Wye
A view of the Market Place Ross-on-Wye (Dec '05)
(Click for a larger image)

Old Photo circa 1925

A postcard (published by Friths - no. 76889 - posted 1925) titled "Ross, Market Place" showing the Market Place, Market House and the High Street.

Unfortunately the picture is not very sharp so the detail is very indistinct. Interesting points are the cars on the right of the shot, the pony (or donkey/mule?) and trap in front of the Market House and that the Market House clock shows exactly one o'clock.

The Market Ross-on-Wye
The Market House in Ross-on-Wye
(Click for a larger image)

Old Photo circa 1950's
The Market Ross-on-Wye
A postcard view of the Market Hall in Ross-on-Wye
(Click for a larger image)

A real photo postcard (published by Photo Precision - no. 9544) titled "Market Place, Ross-on-Wye, Wye Valley" showing the Market House and Market Place.

The vehicles are particularly clear in this shot. To the far right is a van with "Lyons Swiss Rolls" written on the side.

The bust of Charles II on the end of the Market House can be seen to be in poor condition, this was taken down in 1955 and crumbled away and was replaced by a new one in 1959, thus dating the photo to pre 1955. It is also possible to just make out what looks like a telephone box under the market house itself. To the left, along the line of the High Street, there are quite a few people and various shops including Hart's the Chemist, The Ross Gazette Office, Quality Cleaners and Watson and Sons hardware store.

New Photo

A similar of view of the Market House and Market Place taken in December 2005 for comparison.

A postcard view Ross on Wye
A view of the Market House Ross-on-Wye (Aug '05)
(Click for a larger image)

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