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Flooding Around Ross in 2008

9th November 2008

The river is high again after heavy rainfall in the mountains. The depth gauge on Wilton Bridge is currently at 5 feet.

The rapid rise and fall of the river seems to be more common at the moment due to the ground upstream being water logged. This may also be related to the very wet and cool summer that has just passed.

The River Wye (9-11-08)
The River Wye
(Click for a larger image)

6th October 2008

After a period of heavy rainfall in the mountains in Wales, the River Wye has flooded covering Oak Meadow although it is rapidly receding back into its banks.

10th September 2008

Overnight the river has risen another 2 feet to 14 feet (4.3 meters). This means that it has covered a much larger area as can be seen in the photo of the Rope Walk below. The Oak Meadow in the loop of the Wye is now also completely covered.

The river has receded (10-09-08)
The river has receded
(Click for a larger image)

The river has now gone back into its banks although, due to the ground being waterlogged, there are some large pools of water still in the surrounding area.

7th September 2008

Overnight the river has risen another 2 feet to 14 feet (4.3 meters). This means that it has covered a much larger area as can be seen in the photo of the Rope Walk below. The Oak Meadow in the loop of the Wye is now also completely covered.

The Rope Walk now under water (07-09-08)
The Rope Walk is now under water
(Click for a larger image)

The Band Stand is now an island in a lake. Wye Street is submerged and closed and only 4x4 vehicles are able to pass through it.

On a rather more unpleasant note, one teenager was actually seen swimming in this water around the bandstand.

The Band Stand (07-09-08)
The Band Stand
(Click for a larger image)

In the view back towards the Riverside Inn, the seats beside the river are now completely submerged.

The river bank (06-09-08)
The river bank
(Click for a larger image)

Wilton Bridge with the flood (07-09-08)
Wilton Bridge with the flood
(Click for a larger image)

The water can be seen as being higher on Wilton Bridge and the view upstream from the bridge has changed dramatically. The water is fast flowing and a number of large round bales of straw have been seen being washed past.

The view upstream from Wilton Bridge (07-09-08)
The view upstream from Wilton Bridge
(Click for a larger image)

6th September 2008

After over a week of heavy rain showers and persistent drizzle interspersed with overcast conditions, the rain that has fallen in the mountains has reached Ross. There are indications that the water may have been slightly higher but it does not appear to have been particularly severe.

The Rope Walk with a minor amount of flooding (06-09-08)
The Rope Walk field with minor flooding
(Click for a larger image)

Although this has been the wettest August on record (since 1922), according to the BBC weather centre, with an average of 120mm of rainfall across the country since the start of the month (which is more around two-thirds more than the normal) there has not been any notable flooding seen at Ross.

The river Wye in flood (06-09-08)
The river Wye in flood
(Click for a larger image)

This shot is taken from Wilton Road looking back towards the Riverside Inn. The water has covered the bank but not to any huge depth.

A swan in the flood (06-09-08)
A swan in the flood

The view upstream from Wilton Bridge (06-09-08)
The view upstream from Wilton Bridge
(Click for a larger image)

At Wilton Bridge the floods can be clearly seen. The depth gauge on the bridge indicates that the depth is around 12 feet (3.7 meters) at that point.

Wilton Bridge (06-09-08)
Wilton Bridge
(Click for a larger image)

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