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Flooding Around Ross in 2007

8th December 2007

After over a week of heavy rain overnight and in the morning (but often clearing in the afternoon), the river burst its banks Thursday or Friday. In the rest of Herefordshire numerous roads were closed due to flooding.

The river south of Wilton Bridge (08-12-07)
The floods from the Prospect
(Click for a larger image)

27th July 2007

The river has now dropped by another 1m and is 2.6m (8.5 feet) deep according to the marker on Wilton Bridge.

Wilton Bridge (27-07-07)
Wilton Bridge
(Click for a larger image)

The river north of Wilton Bridge (27-07-07)
The river as seen north of Wilton Bridge
(Click for a larger image)

The river south of Wilton Bridge (27-07-07)
The floods as seen south of Wilton Bridge
(Click for a larger image)

23rd July 2007

Wilton Bridge (23-07-07)
The water flowing under Wilton Bridge
(Click for a larger image)

The floods have greatly receded over the last 24 hours. The level has dropped to about 3.5m deep (11.5 feet), a fall of about 1m and is still falling.

The floods seen from Bridstow Bridge (23-07-07)
The floods as seen from Bridstow Bridge
(Click for a larger image)

The floods south of Wilton Bridge (23-07-07)
The floods as seen south of Wilton Bridge
(Click for a larger image)

The floods north of Wilton Bridge (23-07-07)
The floods as seen north of Wilton Bridge
(Click for a larger image)

22nd July 2007

On the "wettest day in history" (Friday 20th July) the the River Wye did not burst its banks. The flood water arrived in the following days after (on Saturday and Sunday) and, when the rain finally stopped, these are some photos I took in the area. The river had risen to 4.3m (14 feet) deep.

The water by the Homs Road carpark (22-07-07)
The water by the Homs Road carpark
(Click for a much larger image)

Wye Street (22-07-07)
The water on Wye Street
(Click for a larger image)

Ross over the floods (22-07-07)
Ross over the floods
(Click for a larger image)
The water at Wilton Bridge (22-07-07)
The water at Wilton flowing under Wilton Bridge
(Click for a larger image)

The water north of Wilton Bridge (22-07-07)
The water north of Wilton Bridge
(Click for a larger image)

The water south of Wilton Bridge (22-07-07)
The water south of Wilton Bridge
(Click for a larger image)

The floods seen from Bridstow Bridge (22-07-07)
The floods as seen from Bridstow Bridge
(Click for a larger image)

20th July 2007

On the "wettest day in history" (Friday 20th July), when the M50 was blocked by the River Leadon bursting its banks at Junction 2 and the M5 was closed by the sheer quantity of water at the Tewkesbury, the the River Wye did not burst its banks.

Below are a couple of pictures taken on the M50 after and during the police turning the traffic around on the west bound carriageway. All the cars were then directed back on the M5, which was also (unfortunately) closed soon after joining it.

A vehicle turning on the M50 (20-07-07)
A vehicle turning on the M50
(Click for a much larger image)

The M50 (20-07-07)
The cars being led off the M50
(Click for a larger image)
The cars going up the M50 (20-07-07)
The cars on the M50
(Click for a larger image)

13th January 2007

The floods from the Riverside (11-01-07)
The flood from the Riverside
(Click for a larger image)

The floods looking back from Wilton (11-01-07)
The floods looking back from Wilton
(Click for a larger image)

These are a few more pictures from the 11th looking back at Ross from Wilton and several views from Wye Street. Today the river has gone back within it's banks leaving large pools on the banks.

The Riverside shot shows that the level had receeded slightly but the water was close to its highest level.

The water was 12 feet deep, according the gauge on Wilton Bridge. The highest level recorded on Wilton Bridge was in 1831 when it was 17 feet deep but there are marks beside the bridge dating back to 1791 when the water must have covered or been at the same level as Wilton Road.

The floods from the Wye Street (11-01-07)
The flood from Wye Street
(Click for a larger image)

On the 22nd December 2006, DEFRA announced that the Ross flood alleviation scheme would finally get funding along with several other projects across the country. This is stated as:

... [Read more]

The principal works are as follows:

  • Construction of a tunnel between Homs Road and Kings Acre car parks. The tunnel will be 2.1 metres diameter and have vertical inlet/outlet shafts at each end
  • Construction of a bund to the east of the A40 Ross Relief Road to hold up floodwaters from the Rudhall and Chatterley Brooks
  • Enlargement of the Chatterley Brook Culvert between Broadmeadow Industrial area and Fiveways
  • Channel improvements to the Rudhall Brook in Rope Walk Meadow and the Chatterley Brook through the Broadmeadow

Looking across the Rope Walk meadow (11-01-07)
The Rope Walk Meadow
(Click for a larger image)

The Rope Walk to Homs Road (11-01-07)
The bridge between the Rope Walk and Homs Road car park
(Click for a larger image)

These seem to the a couple of areas mentioned in the improvements, plus the flooded football pitches, but because of the level of the river, they are all submerged. It will be interesting to see what changes are made in these area.

The football pitches between the Boat House and Homs Road (11-01-07)
The flooded football pitches between Homs Road and the Boat House
(Click for a larger image)

11th January 2007

The Oak Meadow in flood (11-01-07)
The Wye in flood
(Click for a larger image)

Today the flooding is about as bad as I have seen it for a long time. The Oak Meadow (in the middle of the loop) has almost completely vanished. The A40 is just a narrow causeway through the water. The buildings by the river are being threatened with flooding as is the boathouse which is on a small island. The forcast is for more rain so the flooding could yet get worse.

The Oak Meadow in flood (11-01-07)
The A40 in the flood
(Click for a larger image)

The high water line (11-01-07)
The high water line
(Click for a larger image)
The boathouse in the flood (11-01-07)
The boathouse in the flood
(Click for a larger image)

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[Page updated: Jul 03 2012 10:49:38]

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