Ferry Cross
About 50 meters below Wilton Bridge, opposite the Wilton Court Hotel, are the remains of the Ferry Cross. This cross marks the site of the former ferry across the River Wye and may well have been erected to commemorate the ferry sinking although the exact reason for it is unkown. The top of the cross is now missing and only the socket stone and shaft remain. | |
| In this shot of the Ferry Cross, Wilton Bridge and its sundial and the spire of St. Mary's Church can be seen in the background. |
1 The Bridges of Wales and Western England by E. Jervoise, A.M.Inst.C.E. - pub 1936 The Architectural Press
2 The Turbulent Story of Ross & Archenfield against the famout background of Ross-on-Wye - Sept. 4 and 5 1976
[Page updated: Dec 04 2012 23:19:13]