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Ross in the Snow

Market Place in the snow
Market Place in the snow (21/12/2009)
(Click for a larger image)

Palace Pound in the snow
Palace Pound in the snow (21/12/2009)
(Click for a larger image)

When the sprinkling of snow fell on the evening of the 20th December 2009, everyone hoped for a white Christmas (i.e. fresh snow falling) but this did not happen in Ross; it was very scenic just before Chrismas though.

Alms Houses in the snow
Alms Houses in the snow (21/12/2009)
(Click for a larger image)
Plague Cross in the snow
Plague Cross in the snow (21/12/2009)
(Click for a larger image)

War Memorial in the snow
War Memorial in the snow (21/12/2009)
(Click for a larger image)
Market House in the snow
Market House in the snow (21/12/2009)
(Click for a larger image)

Snow views from Linton

Snow views from Linton
Snow views from Linton (21/12/2009)
(Click for a larger image)

Views from Linton
Views from Linton (21/12/2009)
(Click for a larger image)

Lower ridge road, Linton, in the snow
Lower ridge road, Linton, in the snow (21/12/2009)
(Click for a larger image)

A victim of the snow

Back of the recycling lorry
Back of the recycling lorry (21/12/2009)
(Click for a larger image)
Front of the recycling lorry
Front of the recycling lorry (21/12/2009)
(Click for a larger image)

Bumper of the recycling lorry
Bumper of the recycling lorry (21/12/2009)
(Click for a larger image)

Due to the snow and ice the combined recycling and rubblish lorry slid off Linton's Lower Ridge Road and got trapped on the verge.

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[Page updated: Feb 15 2011 13:31:58]

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