These are some views of the Church Yard after the snow fell on the night of the 12th / 13th January 2010. Being as this fell on top of the snow that had fallen previously and council grit/salt supplies had run very low then the roads were treacherous. The B4221 had been blocked
in the morning of the 13th by a lorry and traffic coming from Staunton on the A417 was unable to get up the hill between Haw Cross Lane and Down House Lane. This showed just how slippery the conditions were.
The Church Yard
Church Yard tree in the snow (Click for a larger image)
Church Yard bush in the snow (Click for a larger image)
The main entrance to St. Mary's (over the light) (Click for a larger image)
St. Mary's Hall over the lights (Click for a larger image)
Church Yard path in the snow (blurry due to very long exposure) (Click for a larger image)
Semi-circular steps and Plague Cross (Click for a larger image)
Looking towards the Alms Houses (Click for a larger image)
Looking towards St. Mary's Street (Click for a larger image)
The Market Place
A view out of the market arch (Click for a larger image)
These are some views of the Market Place after the snow fell on the night of the 12th / 13th January 2010.
The Market Place through the market arches (Click for a larger image)
The market arches (Click for a larger image)
The end of the Market House (Click for a larger image)
The front of the Market House (Click for a larger image)
The other end of the Market House (Click for a larger image)
Looking under the Market House (Click for a larger image)