Wilton Wharves
Wilton had wharves both upstream and downstream of the bridge on the western bank of the river. These allowed the products to be loaded and unloaded onto boats. The sides of the river were surrounded by warehouses used to store the goods.
There are very few of the warehouse buildings remaining and only limited signs of the wharves themselves except the wharf immediately downstream of the bridge has been restored. Photos of the sites of the upstream and downstream wharves can be seen below.
1 The Bridges of Wales and Western England by E. Jervoise, A.M.Inst.C.E. - pub 1936 The Architectural Press
2 The Turbulent Story of Ross & Archenfield against the famout background of Ross-on-Wye - Sept. 4 and 5 1976
[Page updated: Dec 04 2012 23:19:13]