Flooding And Driving Advice For Motorists
The recent changes in weather patterns have resulted in more heavy rain and localised flooding. Motorists are being urged to take
care and exercise extra caution in these situations. This results in localised flooding which is affecting normal driving routes
across the Herefordshire.
If driving through larger puddles or smaller areas of standing water drive slowly and steadily, allow oncoming traffic to pass
and always test your brakes after leaving the water. If water has flooded across a section of road it may be difficult to tell
exactly how deep it is. If you do come across a road that is flooded DO NOT attempt to drive through the flood water. Not only
is this putting yourself in danger but as little as an egg cup of water entering your engine is enough to wreck it.
Visibility can also be seriously reduced in heavy rain so headlights MUST be used, together with allowing a bigger gap between
you and the car in front to allow for the increased stopping distance. If you are unlucky enough to breakdown in any further
heavy rain, advice from the AA is to try and get the car to a safe and visible place, call for roadside assistance and wait for
help to arrive.
Vicki Bristow from the Safer Roads Partnership comments:
"We are urging all motorists to exercise caution with the recent heavy
rain storm that we are currently experiencing, use common sense and follow our simple advice. Stay alert to local weather and
news reports and if your local area is experiencing flooding it's advisable to leave any non essential travel until the storm
and flooding has subsided."
Based on: Flooding And Driving Advice For Motorists by Worcestershire and Herefordshire West Mercia Police, issued: Thursday, 28 June 2012
[Page updated: Jul 03 2012 10:49:38]