Wilton Bridge Toll House
| To the right of this shot is the approximate site of the Wilton Bridge Toll House (the corner of which can be seen in the drawing above). This is now a garden that was planted by Bridstow Parish Council to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the end of the War (WWII). |
This view, extracted from a Kingsway Real Photo (no. S 7208) postcard, shows the back and end of the gate house that used to stand
on the western end of the Bridge. | |
1 The Bridges of Wales and Western England by E. Jervoise, A.M.Inst.C.E. - pub 1936 The Architectural Press
2 The Turbulent Story of Ross & Archenfield against the famout background of Ross-on-Wye - Sept. 4 and 5 1976
[Page updated: Dec 04 2012 23:19:13]