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Ross in the Snow

Market Place in the snow
Market Place in the snow (21/12/2009)
(Click for a larger image)

Palace Pound in the snow
Palace Pound in the snow (21/12/2009)
(Click for a larger image)

When the sprinkling of snow fell on the evening of the 20th December 2009, everyone hoped for a white Christmas (i.e. fresh snow falling) but this did not happen in Ross; it was very scenic just before Chrismas though.

Alms Houses in the snow
Alms Houses in the snow (21/12/2009)
(Click for a larger image)
Plague Cross in the snow
Plague Cross in the snow (21/12/2009)
(Click for a larger image)

War Memorial in the snow
War Memorial in the snow (21/12/2009)
(Click for a larger image)
Market House in the snow
Market House in the snow (21/12/2009)
(Click for a larger image)

Snow views from Linton

Snow views from Linton
Snow views from Linton (21/12/2009)
(Click for a larger image)

Views from Linton
Views from Linton (21/12/2009)
(Click for a larger image)

Lower ridge road, Linton, in the snow
Lower ridge road, Linton, in the snow (21/12/2009)
(Click for a larger image)

A victim of the snow

Back of the recycling lorry
Back of the recycling lorry (21/12/2009)
(Click for a larger image)
Front of the recycling lorry
Front of the recycling lorry (21/12/2009)
(Click for a larger image)

Bumper of the recycling lorry
Bumper of the recycling lorry (21/12/2009)
(Click for a larger image)

Due to the snow and ice the combined recycling and rubblish lorry slid off Linton's Lower Ridge Road and got trapped on the verge.

Evening: Ross Streets in the Snow

Gloucester Road in the snow III
Gloucester Road in the snow
(Click for a larger image)

On the 5th January 2010 it snowed heavily and again that evening/night. These are some photos of the snow as it was falling in the evening.

Gloucester Road in the snow
Gloucester Road in the snow
(Click for a larger image)
Gloucester Road in the snow II
Gloucester Road in the snow II
(Click for a larger image)

Cantilupe Road and Henry Street in the snow
Cantilupe Road and Henry Street in the snow
(Click for a larger image)
Cantilupe Road in the snow
Cantilupe Road in the snow
(Click for a larger image)

The Market House in the snow
The Market House in the snow
(Click for a larger image)

The Market Place in the snow
The Market Place in the snow
(Click for a larger image)
The Market Place and Broad Street in the snow
The Market Place and Broad Street in the snow
(Click for a larger image)

The snow under the Market House
The snow under the Market House
(Click for a larger image)
The snow viewed from under the Market House
The snow viewed from under the Market House
(Click for a larger image)

Garden in the Snow

Our garden became very picturesque during the evening.

The scene in the garden
The scene in the garden
(Click for a larger image)

The snow in the garden
The snow in the garden
(Click for a larger image)
The garden in the snow
The garden in the snow
(Click for a larger image)

Day: Ross Streets in the Snow

On the 5th January 2010 the heaviest snow fall (about 6" [150mm]) for many years occurred and these are some photos from around the Town.

Sledging in Tank Meadow
Sledging in Tank Meadow
(Click for a larger image)

Broad Street in the snow
Broad Street in the snow
(Click for a larger image)

On the 6th January 2010 the streets were very quiet with most people choosing to either not travel or walk into the town.

Kyrle Street in the snow
Kyrle Street in the snow
(Click for a larger image)
New Street in the snow
New Street in the snow
(Click for a larger image)

The snow from the Market Arches
The snow from the Market Arches
(Click for a larger image)
The Phoenix in the snow
The Market Place in the snow
(Click for a larger image)

Market House in the snow
Market House in the snow
(Click for a larger image)
The Phoenix in the snow
The Phoenix in the snow
(Click for a larger image)

North side of St. Marys Church in the snow
North side of St. Marys Church in the snow
(Click for a larger image)

Trees in the snow
Trees in the snow
(Click for a larger image)
Yew Tree in the snow
Yew tree in the snow
(Click for a larger image)

St. Marys church yard in the snow
St. Marys church yard in the snow
(Click for a larger image)

Wilton Castle in the snow
Wilton Castle in the snow
(Click for a larger image)
Plague Cross in the snow
The Plague Cross in the snow
(Click for a larger image)

Church Street in the snow
Church Street in the snow
(Click for a larger image)
The Alms Houses in the snow
The Alms Houses in the snow
(Click for a larger image)

The view of Weston-under-Penyard in the snow
The view of Weston-under-Penyard in the snow
(Click for a larger image)

Night: More photos of the Snow

These are some views of the Church Yard after the snow fell on the night of the 12th / 13th January 2010. Being as this fell on top of the snow that had fallen previously and council grit/salt supplies had run very low then the roads were treacherous. The B4221 had been blocked in the morning of the 13th by a lorry and traffic coming from Staunton on the A417 was unable to get up the hill between Haw Cross Lane and Down House Lane. This showed just how slippery the conditions were.

The Church Yard
Church Yard tree in the snow
Church Yard tree in the snow
(Click for a larger image)
Church Yard bush in the snow
Church Yard bush in the snow
(Click for a larger image)

The main entrance to St. Marys
The main entrance to St. Mary's (over the light)
(Click for a larger image)
St. Marys Hall over the lights
St. Mary's Hall over the lights
(Click for a larger image)

Church Yard path in the snow
Church Yard path in the snow (blurry due to very long exposure)
(Click for a larger image)
Semi-circular steps and Plague Cross
Semi-circular steps and Plague Cross
(Click for a larger image)

Looking towards the Alms Houses
Looking towards the Alms Houses
(Click for a larger image)
Looking towards St. Marys Street
Looking towards St. Mary's Street
(Click for a larger image)

The Market Place
A view out of the market arch
A view out of the market arch
(Click for a larger image)

These are some views of the Market Place after the snow fell on the night of the 12th / 13th January 2010.

The Market Place through the market arches
The Market Place through the market arches
(Click for a larger image)
The market arches
The market arches
(Click for a larger image)

The end of the Market House
The end of the Market House
(Click for a larger image)
The front of the Market House
The front of the Market House
(Click for a larger image)

The other end of the Market House
The other end of the Market House
(Click for a larger image)
Looking under the Market House
Looking under the Market House
(Click for a larger image)

Snow in December 2010

After the rest of the country has been in the grip of ice and snow, Ross has been pretty much snow free but had been cold (down to around -11°C) until 20th December 2010 when from around 10am the snow fell thickly and around 2 to 3 inches fell during the morning and afternoon. The Town's streets were not gritted or salted supposedly because it has no effect below -8°C (although it was only around -5°C).

20th December 2010

The following are a number of photos from around the town:

Snow in the Market Place
Snow in the Market Place
(Click for a larger image)
Snow around the Market House
Snow around the Market House
(Click for a larger image)

Snow on Gloucester Road
Snow on Gloucester Road
(Click for a larger image)
Snow on High Street
Snow on High Street
(Click for a larger image)

Snow on Church Street
Snow on Church Street
(Click for a larger image)
Snow on St. Marys Street
Snow on St. Marys Street
(Click for a larger image)

Snow looking down High Street
Snow looking down High Street
(Click for a larger image)
Snow at the top of High Street
Snow at the top of High Street
(Click for a larger image)

Snow at the top of Edde Cross Street
Snow at the top of Edde Cross Street
(Click for a larger image)
Snow on Wilton Road
Snow on Wilton Road
(Click for a larger image)

Ice on the River Wye
Ice on the River Wye
(Click for a larger image)
Snow in the River Wye
Snow in the River Wye
(Click for a larger image)

Snow in the Blake Memorial Garden
Snow in the Blake Memorial Garden
(Click for a larger image)
Snow in the Prospect
Snow in the Prospect
(Click for a larger image)

Snow around the War Memorial
Snow around the War Memorial
(Click for a larger image)
Snow on Kyrle Gate
Snow on Kyrle Gate
(Click for a larger image)

Snow on Kyrle Gate (south side)
Snow on Kyrle Gate (south side)
(Click for a larger image)
Snow in the Churchyard
Snow in the Churchyard
(Click for a larger image)

Snow at the bottom of Broad Street
Snow at the bottom of Broad Street
(Click for a larger image)
Snow looking up Broad Street
Snow looking up Broad Street
(Click for a larger image)

Snow looking down Broad Street
Snow looking down Broad Street
(Click for a larger image)

Snow in New Street
Snow in New Street
(Click for a larger image)
Snow in the Market Place
Snow in Kyrle Street
(Click for a larger image)

Snow in Brookend Street
Snow in Brookend Street
(Click for a larger image)
Snow down Greytree Road
Snow down Greytree Road
(Click for a larger image)

Snow on Brampton Street
Snow on Brampton Street
(Click for a larger image)
Snow at Fiveways
Snow at Fiveways
(Click for a larger image)

Snow on Ledbury
Snow on Ledbury Road
(Click for a larger image)

21st December 2010

Partially frozen River Wye
Partially frozen River Wye
[Photo: Ed Dixon]
(Click for a larger image)
Ice on the River Wye
Ice on the River Wye
[Photo: Ed Dixon]
(Click for a larger image)

Looking upstream
Looking upstream
[Photo: Ed Dixon]
(Click for a larger image)
The view back towards Ross
The view back towards Ross
[Photo: Ed Dixon]
(Click for a larger image)

27th December 2010

Ice on the River Wye above the Rowing Club
Ice on the River Wye above the Rowing Club
(Click for a larger image)

Ice on the River Wye near to the Rowing Club
Ice on the River Wye near to the Rowing Club
(Click for a larger image)
Closeup of ice on the River Wye near to the Rowing Club
Closeup of the ice on the River Wye
(Click for a larger image)

The ice in front of the Ross Rowing Club was particularly easy to see due to it having broken up and refrozen a number of times meaning that it was well above the water line and having many edges with lots of air within the ice making it appear very "white".

The ice, which is stationary, is in the centre of the river with two channels down the outside with the largest being on the outside of the bend, where the flow is fastest. Apparently the river was completely frozen yesterday after another approx. -10ºC night.

Ice in front of the Ross Rowing Club
Ice in front of the Ross Rowing Club
(Click for a larger image)
Seagulls stood on the frozen Wye
Seagulls stood on the frozen Wye
(Click for a larger image)

The seagulls seemed quite happy stood on the ice but the ducks and swans were all clearly hoping for someone to come and feed them.

Ducks and swans stood on the ice
Ducks and swans stood on the ice
(Click for a larger image)
The ice on the Wye seen from outside the Hope & Anchor
The ice on the Wye seen from outside the Hope & Anchor
(Click for a larger image)

Ice on the River Wye at the canoe launch below the Hope and Anchor
Ice on the River Wye at the canoe launch below the Hope and Anchor
(Click for a larger image)

In the middle of the shot below left can be seen the Ice House. This was originally used to store fish in for a local fishmonger back in the 1800s and the ice used to fill it would have come from the river when it froze as seen here.

Ice on the River Wye looking back towards Ross
Ice on the River Wye looking back towards Ross
(Click for a larger image)
Closeup of ice on the Wye
Closeup of ice on the Wye
(Click for a larger image)

Ice on the River
Ice on the River
(Click for a larger image)

Ice on the River Wye looking towards Wilton
Ice on the River Wye looking towards Wilton
(Click for a larger image)

Ice on the River Wye above Wilton Bridge
Ice on the River Wye above Wilton Bridge
(Click for a larger image)

The ice on the upper side of Wilton Bridge is clearly "white" and visable on the surface but on the lower side of the bridge the ice is clear and hidden just below the surface of the water.

Ice on the upper side of Wilton Bridge
Ice on the upper side of Wilton Bridge
(Click for a larger image)
Hidden ice on the lower side of Wilton Bridge
Hidden ice on the lower side of Wilton Bridge
(Click for a larger image)

Ice on the River Wye below Wilton Bridge
Ice on the River Wye below Wilton Bridge
(Click for a larger image)

Ducks stood on the ice at Wilton Bridge
Ducks stood on the ice at Wilton Bridge
(Click for a larger image)

The ducks were stood on the ice below Wilton Bridge.

In the view upstream, the large triangle in the ice is due to the bridge pier. Bricks had been thrown from the bridge onto the ice and had hardly marked the surface which is a good indication of how thick the ice had become.

The view upstream from Wilton Bridge
The view upstream from Wilton Bridge
(Click for a larger image)
The view downstream from Wilton Bridge
The view downstream from Wilton Bridge
(Click for a larger image)

Looking downsteam off Wilton Bridge
Looking downsteam off Wilton Bridge
(Click for a larger image)

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[Page updated: Feb 15 2011 13:31:58]

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