

General Policy

We support the right of individuals to protect the privacy of their information online and information pertaining to them. has the potential to collect personal information about its users, both through the collection of specific attributes (name, email, etc) and through further information requests.

Our policy is to let users decide how widely their personal information should be disseminated within the site by allowing the user to enter as little or as much information as they wish.

We will neither share information gathered through the site with any third party nor use that information outside of the context of this site.

Cookies utilizes cookies (small pieces of data stored by your Web browser on your hard drive) to offer you more personal and customised service. Most Web browsers accept cookies by default and you may opt out of this cookie via browser settings. If you choose not to accept any cookied information then your viewing ease maybe reduced.

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Use of Personal Information reserves the right to generate aggregate statistics about the users of the site without connecting any of this aggregate information to any specific users and without cross referencing any aggregate fields. We may, for example, generate a report about how many users have visited from which countries or regions. We will not, however, generate a report that tells us which specific users are visiting from which countries or regions. may make such aggregate reports publicly available. For example, we may provide statistics on the site about how many users have registered from each time zone or how many users have connected to the site in the past week.

Commitment to Data Security has put into place appropriate physical, political, and technical safeguards to ensure that personal information collected by the site is secure from access by anyone other than the administrators responsible for running and maintaining the servers upon which the site runs.


If, after reading this statement, you have any questions about the privacy policy, please send an email to (removing the NOSPAM) and make sure you include 'Privacy information' in the subject line.

Updates to this Policy reserves the right to update this policy to reflect changes in the functionality of the site. Users may be informed of this change both through an announcement on the site proper. Continued use of the site will be regarded as the user's acceptance of any new policies.

Written and updated 8thMay 2005

Updated 18thAugust 2007

[Page updated: Feb 15 2011 13:31:58]

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