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The Flood Alleviation Scheme Work 2008

19th October 2008

Kings Acre

The top of the falling shaft has now been covered over and the car park reinstated. The main area of remaining work is at the rising shaft at Homs Road.

The reinstated Kings Acre car park (19-10-08)
The reinstated Kings Acre car park
(Click for a larger image)

10th October 2008

Kings Acre

Works on the top of the falling shaft have been continuing.

The falling shaft cap (10-10-08)
The falling shaft cap
(Click for a larger image)

4th October 2008

Kings Acre

The falling shaft has been capped over as preparations to reinstate the car park continue.

The falling shaft cap (04-10-08)
The falling shaft cap
(Click for a larger image)

22nd September 2008

Homs Road
The rising shaft (22-09-08)
The rising shaft
[Courtesy of Nuttall's]
(Click for a larger image)

This is the view down the rising shaft. The supplied and machinery etc that were needed to support the tunnelling machine are in the process of being removed. The tunnel, and completed mouth, is at the top of the shot. At the bottom is the now blocked off back shunt.

15th September 2008

Homs Road

The top of the rising shaft is being worked on so that the final structure around the top of the shaft can be built.

The top of the rising shaft (15-09-08)
The top of the rising shaft
[Courtesy of Nuttall's]
(Click for a larger image)

5th September 2008

Kings Acre
The weir chamber in flood (05-09-08)
The weir chamber in flood
[Courtesy of Nuttall's]
(Click for a larger image)

During the heavy rains that have recently fallen, the River Wye has flooded but even so there is still around 200mm between the top of the weir and the water thus indicating that very heavy rainfall will be needed to cause the tunnel to come into use.

3rd September 2008

Kings Acre

These are some further pictures of various parts of the tunnelling machine just prior to them being removed from site.

Sections of the tunnelling machine (03-09-08)
Sections of the tunnelling machine
[Courtesy of Nuttall's]
(Click for a larger image)
Sections of the machine (03-09-08)
Sections of the machine
[Courtesy of Nuttall's]
(Click for a larger image)

30th August 2008

Kings Acre

This is the top of the falling shaft. The entrance to the culvert that goes off to the Broadmeadows Industrial Estate and the weir can be seen.

The falling shaft (30-08-08)
The top of the falling shaft at Kings Acre
(Click for a larger image)

Looking slightly like the ribcage of a modern day dinosaur, parts of the tunnelling machine can be seen at the Kings Acre site where they have been lifted out of the falling shaft this week.

The tunnelling machine (30-08-08)
The tunnelling machine at Kings Acre
(Click for a larger image)

The tunnelling machine again (30-08-08)
The tunnelling machine at Kings Acre
(Click for a larger image)

21st August 2008

The tunnelling machine (21-08-08)
The tunnelling machine
[Courtesy of Nuttall's]
(Click for a larger image)
The tunnelling machine being removed (21-08-08)
The tunnelling machine being removed
[Courtesy of Nuttall's]
(Click for a larger image)

The tunnelling machine has broken through into the falling shaft.

The machine was then lifted out of the shaft and put onto a low loader lorry ready for transport away from the site.

The tunnelling machine being lifted (21-08-08)
The tunnelling machine being lifted
[Courtesy of Nuttall's]
(Click for a larger image)

The tunnelling machine being lowered (21-08-08)
The tunnelling machine being lowered
[Courtesy of Nuttall's]
(Click for a larger image)
The tunnelling machine on the lorry (21-08-08)
The tunnelling machine on the lorry
[Courtesy of Nuttall's]
(Click for a larger image)

20th August 2008

As reported in the Ross-on-Wye Journal on Wednesday 20th August 2008 the scheme is nearing completion. The 12 meters (40 foot) deep falling shaft in the Kings Acre car park will be linked to the rising shaft in the Homs Road car park as the tunnelling machine will complete its journey.

The principle of operation is that the falling shaft is a 6 meter (20 foot) diameter vertical tunnel inside a larger shallow tunnel with a lip (or a weir) between the two. When the water reaches the top of the weir, due to the streams flooding, then the water will then pass down the new tunnel down to the Homs Road end where it will exit the tunnel using a similar principle.

Once the tunnelling machine reaches the falling shaft it will be lifted out and the top of the shaft capped off so that the car park can be reinstated.

It was also reported that this would stop the 100 year flood issue that has caused problems in the town in the past but it would not solve the Brookend Street flooding issues as these are due to problems with the drainage at the bottom end of the town. This is the responsibility of Welsh Water and they have indicated that this will be resolved sometime within the next decade.

17th August 2008

Kings Acre Car Park ramp
The old culvert (17-08-08)
The ramp between the lower and upper car park
(Click for a larger image)

Here we see that the ramp between the lower and upper King Acre car park is in the process of being rebuilt. The base of the ramp is in place and the drains are being put in place ready for the tarmac to be laid.

15th August 2008

The Bund

The area between the bund and the bypass has been flattened out and generally tidied up.

The bund (15-08-08)
The area between the bund and A40 has been flattened
(Click for a larger image)

The bund area (15-08-08)
Another view of the area
(Click for a larger image)

Kings Acre

In the Kings Acre car park area the banks of the Rudhall Brook have been reinforced with sand bags so that they do not get washed out.

The Kings Acre car park (15-08-08)
Kings Acre area
(Click for a larger image)

6th August 2008

Kings Acre

The end of Chase Brook used to join the Rudhall Brook here; where it was a feature at the back of a nearby house.

What was the end of the Chase Brook (06-08-08)
What was the end of the Chase Brook
[Courtesy of Nuttall's]
(Click for a larger image)
What was the end of the Chase Brook (06-08-08)
What was the end of the Chase Brook
[Courtesy of Nuttall's]
(Click for a larger image)

4th August 2008

The entrance to the weir chamber (04-08-08)
The entrance to the weir chamber
[Courtesy of Nuttall's]
(Click for a larger image)

The entrance to the weir chamber has now been completed.

1st August 2008


Up the stream from where the sluice used to stand at Fiveways, the bed of the Rudhall Brook is paved. Presumably this was done to help control the brook as it ran past the sluice and on into the mill.

The Rudhall Brook (01-08-08)
The Rudhall Brook
[Courtesy of Nuttall's]
(Click for a larger image)

31st July 2008

Fiveways or Kings Acre
The sluice area (31-07-08)
The area where the sluice used to be
(Click for a larger image)
The old culvert (31-07-08)
The end of the old culvert
(Click for a larger image)

The stream bank (31-07-08)
The stream bank
(Click for a larger image)

The banks of the Rudhall Brook have been tidied up and the water is being allowed to flow unrestricted over the area where the sluice gate used to stand.

23rd July 2008


The weir has been completed and the shuttering has been removed.

The weir (23-07-08)
The weir
[Courtesy of Nuttall's]
(Click for a larger image)

21st July 2008

The completed outlet (21-07-08)
The completed outlet
[Courtesy of Nuttall's]
(Click for a larger image)

The outlet of the culvert at Fiveways has had the final cap of concrete added so that it is now in its final state.

Kings Acre

The bottom of the weir chamber has had the top layer of concrete added and the outer shuttering has been put in place so that the wall can be created.

The weir outer formers in place (21-07-08)
The weir outer formers in place
[Courtesy of Nuttall's]
(Click for a larger image)
The weir formers in place (21-07-08)
The weir formers in place
[Courtesy of Nuttall's]
(Click for a larger image)

This is the inlet to the culvert with the barrier in place.

The culvert inlet (21-07-08)
The culvert inlet
[Courtesy of Nuttall's]
(Click for a larger image)

The Broadmeadows Estate bridge (21-07-08)
The Broadmeadows Estate bridge
[Courtesy of Nuttall's]
(Click for a larger image)

The temporary bridge on the Broadmeadows Industrial Estate has been removed leaving only the completed permanent one.

20th July 2008

The Bund

The spoil heaps that were between the bypass and the bund have been flattened or removed and work on the throttle is now pretty much complete. Most of the other surface works are also nearing completion as can be seen at Fiveways where the clear-up operation is well underway.

The bund area (20-07-08)
The bund area
(Click for a larger image)


The top of the falling shaft has been removed.

The top of the falling shaft (20-07-08)
The top of the falling shaft
(Click for a larger image)

The end of the culvert (20-07-08)
The end of the culvert
(Click for a larger image)

The end of the culvert has been completed.

10th July 2008

Kings Acre

The formers/shuttering for the inside of the wall that will form the weir have been put in place. The steel reinforcing for the wall has been put in place ready for the outer shuttering to be positioned and the concrete to be poured.

The weir inner formers in place (10-07-08)
The weir inner formers in place
[Courtesy of Nuttall's]
(Click for a larger image)

9th July 2008

According to the Ross Gazette this week (No 6718 Wednesday July 9th 2008) the above ground work is well underway and the bund, which is the final part, will be completed in August 2008. The work on the 350m long 2.1m diameter tunnel will continue with final completion at around the end of the year.

The tunnelling machine delays were initially due to the need to change the teeth due to the material that was being bored through. The 50m long machine then needed changes to the way that the waste material was removed. Conveyors were fitted to enable this.

The tunnelling machine has so far covered 130m leaving another 220m until it reaches its final destination in the Kings Acre car park.

8th July 2008

The Bund
The throttle close to completion (08-07-08)
The throttle close to completion
[Courtesy of Nuttall's]
(Click for a larger image)

The throttle is now close to being completed. The banks have been landscaped and the bottom of the channel has been reinforced with stone to help prevent erosion.

4th July 2008

Kings Acre
The falling shaft (04-07-08)
The falling shaft
[Courtesy of Nuttall's]
(Click for a larger image)
The falling shaft steelwork (04-07-08)
The falling shaft steelwork
[Courtesy of Nuttall's]
(Click for a larger image)

These are the formers for the wall that will be the weir around the entrance to the tunnel that runs down to Homs Road.

The weir shuttering (04-07-08)
The weir shuttering
[Courtesy of Nuttall's]
(Click for a larger image)

The top of the inspection chamber (04-07-08)
The top of the inspection chamber
[Courtesy of Nuttall's]
(Click for a larger image)

The inspection chamber has been cast in concrete and is being sealed prior to being covered over.

2nd July 2008


The outlet of the culvert at is being prepared to have the final layer of concrete formed on the top section.

The back of the outlet (02-07-08)
The back of the outlet
[Courtesy of Nuttall's]
(Click for a larger image)

Kings Acre
The culvert inlet (02-07-08)
The culvert inlet
[Courtesy of Nuttall's]
(Click for a larger image)

Further work is being carried out preparing the culvert inlet and the banks on either side have started to be landscaped.

1st July 2008

Kings Acre

In the bottom of the weir chamber the reinforcing bars are being positioned ready for the base of the chamber to be completed.

The bottom of the weir chamber (01-07-08)
The bottom of the weir chamber
[Courtesy of Nuttall's]
(Click for a larger image)

27th June 2008

Kings Acre
The weir chamber (27-06-08)
The weir chamber
[Courtesy of Nuttall's]
(Click for a larger image)

The top of the falling shaft in the weir chamber has been removed.

The entrance to the weir chamber can now be clearly seen.

The entrance to the weir chamber (27-06-08)
The entrance to the weir chamber
[Courtesy of Nuttall's]
(Click for a larger image)

26th June 2008

Kings Acre
The block ready to be lifted (26-06-08)
The block ready to be lifted
[Courtesy of Nuttall's]
(Click for a larger image)
The block being lifted (26-06-08)
The block being lifted
[Courtesy of Nuttall's]
(Click for a larger image)

The top of the falling shaft partially removed (26-06-08)
The top of the falling shaft partially removed
[Courtesy of Nuttall's]
(Click for a larger image)

In order to create the weir, the top of the falling shaft has to be removed and the low wall which forms the weir shuttered and cast where the top of the shaft once stood.

The blocks were lifted off in sections using a crane.

The final blocks around where the bottom of the weir chamber sits need to be removed using a little more force where they have become fused to the concrete.

The final blocks being removed (26-06-08)
The final blocks being removed
[Courtesy of Nuttall's]
(Click for a larger image)

The walls of the inlet are complete (26-06-08)
The walls of the inlet are complete
[Courtesy of Nuttall's]
(Click for a larger image)

The walls at the culvert inlet have been completed. Now the grating to prevent access and to prevent debris from entering the channel can be built.

24th June 2008

Kings Acre

In the bottom of the weir chamber the concrete blocks under the sectional outer wall have been removed ready for the top layer of the base to be added.

Bottom of the weir chamber (24-06-08)
Bottom of the weir chamber
[Courtesy of Nuttall's]
(Click for a larger image)
The weir chamber (24-06-08)
The weir chamber
[Courtesy of Nuttall's]
(Click for a larger image)

The steel reinforcing around the inspection chamber is being added ready for the concrete to be added.

The inspection chamber (24-06-08)
The inspection chamber
[Courtesy of Nuttall's]
(Click for a larger image)

The Bund
The completed throttle (24-06-08)
The completed throttle
[Courtesy of Nuttall's]
(Click for a larger image)

The throttle facing has been completed and the banks have been built up around the throttle.

20th June 2008

Kings Acre

All the remaining piles around the top of the falling shaft/weir chamber have been pulled out.

The piles being removed (20-06-08)
The piles being removed
[Courtesy of Nuttall's]
(Click for a larger image)

The inspection chamber (20-06-08)
The inspection chamber
[Courtesy of Nuttall's]
(Click for a larger image)

The inspection chamber has now been formed with an inspection shaft to allow entry into the chamber if required.

19th June 2008


Shuttering has been used to shape the end of the culvert and concrete has been poured to form the structure.

The end of the culvert (18-06-08)
The end of the culvert
(Click for a larger image)

Kings Acre

A crane has been at the Kings Acre site today and has been used for various uses including general tidying up.

A crane at Fiveways (18-06-08)
A crane at Fiveways
(Click for a larger image)
Items moved by the crane (18-06-08)
Items moved by the crane
(Click for a larger image)

The weir chamber outer wall (19-06-08)
The weir chamber outer wall
[Courtesy of Nuttall's]
(Click for a larger image)

The outer wall of the weir chamber has been built and the piles have been removed.

The Bund

The throttle walls have been in filled with clay so that it forms a good barrier if the bund becomes filled with water.

The throttle (19-06-08)
The throttle
[Courtesy of Nuttall's]
(Click for a larger image)

18th June 2008

Kings Acre
The concrete behind the outer weir chamber (18-06-08)
The concrete behind the outer weir chamber
[Courtesy of Nuttall's]
(Click for a larger image)

The area outside of the sectional wall has been filled with concrete.

The inspection chamber has now been formed.

The junction chamber (18-06-08)
The junction chamber
[Courtesy of Nuttall's]
(Click for a larger image)

17th June 2008

Kings Acre
The outer wall of the weir chamber (17-06-08)
The outer wall of the weir chamber
[Courtesy of Nuttall's]
(Click for a larger image)

This is the outer wall of the weir chamber. The area outside of this will be filled with concrete. Each of the sections that make up the wall has pins out of the rear to tie them into the supporting concrete.

This is an inspection chamber being added to potentially accommodate future changes. To the left can be seen the point where a pipe can be added if it is required.

Junction chamber (17-06-08)
Junction chamber
[Courtesy of Nuttall's]
(Click for a larger image)

12th June 2008

Kings Acre
The outer wall (12-06-08)
The outer wall
[Courtesy of Nuttall's]
(Click for a larger image)

The outer wall is formed of precast sections as seen here. These are lowered into the pit using a crane (below right). The sections are locked together using keys as seen in the below left photo.

The weir outer wall (12-06-08)
The weir's outer wall
[Courtesy of Nuttall's]
(Click for a larger image)
The outer wall of the weir (12-06-08)
The outer wall of the weir
[Courtesy of Nuttall's]
(Click for a larger image)

11th June 2008

Kings Acre

The red bricks are going to be used to provide support for the weir's outer wall.

The weir outer wall (11-06-08)
The weir's outer wall
[Courtesy of Nuttall's]
(Click for a larger image)
The base of the weir outer wall (11-06-08)
The base of the weir's outer wall
[Courtesy of Nuttall's]
(Click for a larger image)

10th June 2008

Kings Acre

The concrete blocks, on the right, have been laid around what will be the outer edge of the weir chamber. On top of these the outer wall will be built and then back filled with concrete to form the chamber. The blocks will then be removed so that the slab that forms the base of the chamber will go under the outer wall.

The base of the weir (10-06-08)
The base of the weir
[Courtesy of Nuttall's]
(Click for a larger image)

9th June 2008

The end of the culvert (09-06-08)
The end of the culvert
[Courtesy of Nuttall's]
(Click for a larger image)

The culvert exit at Fiveways is now being faced to form the final exit point.

5th June 2008

Kings Acre

The base for what will be the weir has been laid. To the right is the falling shaft and to the left can be seen the edge of the exit from the bifurcation chamber.

The base of the weir (05-06-08)
The base of the weir
[Courtesy of Nuttall's]
(Click for a larger image)

The Bund

These shots show the throttle with the facing partially added to the one side and being fitted to the other. This facing is made out of artificial stone.

The throttle with its decorative facing (05-06-08)
The throttle with its decorative facing
[Courtesy of Nuttall's]
(Click for a larger image)
The decorative facing being added (05-06-08)
The decorative facing being added
[Courtesy of Nuttall's]
(Click for a larger image)

4th June 2008

Kings Acre
The exit from the bifurcation chamber (04-06-08)
The exit from the bifurcation chamber
[Courtesy of Nuttall's]
(Click for a larger image)

This is the place where the water in the bifurcation chamber will flow out around the weir. The water will then go down into the falling shaft and tunnel in the event that the water becomes deep enough.

This is the place where the water in the bifurcation chamber will flow out around the weir. The water will then go down into the falling shaft and tunnel in the event that the water becomes deep enough.

The bifurcation chamber (04-06-08)
The bifurcation chamber
[Courtesy of Nuttall's]
(Click for a larger image)

Kings Acre
The throttle (04-06-08)
The throttle
[Courtesy of Nuttall's]
(Click for a larger image)

The inside of the walls of the throttle have now been coated with a black waterproof coating to help protect them.

2nd June 2008

Kings Acre

The area around the falling shaft has now been excavated.

Further excavations around the falling shaft (02-06-08)
Further excavations around the falling shaft
[Courtesy of Nuttall's]
(Click for a larger image)

23nd May 2008

Kings Acre
Excavations around the falling shaft (23-05-08)
Excavations around the falling shaft
[Courtesy of Nuttall's]
(Click for a larger image)

Excavations have started around the top falling shaft.

The new pipe for the Chase Brook has been partially covered over. In the foreground can be seen the top of the inspection chamber.

The Chase Brook (23-05-08)
The Chase Brook
[Courtesy of Nuttall's]
(Click for a larger image)

The spillway (23-05-08)
The spillway works
[Courtesy of Nuttall's]
(Click for a larger image)

Further excavations have been carried out at the spillway. In order to finish this, all that is needed is a layer of grass, to hold the soil together, and the lowering of the bank of the stream to the required level to allow the water to flow out if it gets too deep.

22nd May 2008

The falling shaft (22-05-08)
The falling shaft
[Courtesy of Nuttall's]
(Click for a larger image)

Piles have been driven in all around the top of the falling shaft. This will allow the area inside to be excavated so that the weir can be created.

The Bund

The sides of the throttle have been completed.

The throttle (22-05-08)
The throttle
[Courtesy of Nuttall's]
(Click for a larger image)

20th May 2008

Kings Acre
The new culvert inlet (20-05-08)
The new culvert inlet
[Courtesy of Nuttall's]
(Click for a larger image)

This is the entrance to the new culvert. The base has been laid and the work to build the sides is soon to start.

The new pipe to channel the Chase Brook has been laid.

The Chase Brook pipe (20-05-08)
The Chase Brook pipe
[Courtesy of Nuttall's]
(Click for a larger image)
The new line of the Chase Brook (20-05-08)
The new line of the Chase Brook
[Courtesy of Nuttall's]
(Click for a larger image)

next Flood alleviation Flood alleviation work 2007 previous

1 The brook referred to as the Chatterley Brook is actually a unnamed brook that flows from Weston-under-Penyard past Chackley Grove. It has only recently become referred to as the Chatterley Brook and locally it was previously known as Chackley Brook.

2 Flood Work Hit By Weak Teeth Ross-on-Wye Journal - Wednesday May 14, 2008

[Page updated: Feb 15 2011 13:31:59]

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