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The Flood Alleviation Scheme Work 2008

1st February 2009


The spillway is now nearly complete and the bank has been lowered. A small concete barrier has been formed in order to prevent the bank from being washed out in the event of a flood.

The spillway (01-02-09)
The spillway
(Click for a larger image)
The spillway bank (01-02-09)
The spillway bank
(Click for a larger image)

The Bund

The works on the bund are now complete and the access way off the A40 bypass has been removed.

22nd December 2008

Homs Road
The Homs Road car park (22-12-08)
The Homs Road car park
(Click for a larger image)

Work on the rising shaft is now complete and only the final tidying up phase is required to complete the works at the Homs Road Car Park. The car park has now been reinstated, the footbridge over the brook rebuilt and the excavation equipment removed.

The reinstated Homs Road car park (22-12-08)
The reinstated Homs Road car park
(Click for a larger image)

The new footbridge is slightly further upstream than the original one. This is because of the length of the bank area needed to allow for the exit grill.

The Homs Road footbridge (22-12-08)
The Homs Road footbridge
(Click for a larger image)

The view up stream at the exit of the rising shaft (22-12-08)
The view up at the exit of the rising shaft
(Click for a larger image)
The view from the bridge of the exit of the rising shaft (22-12-08)
The view from the bridge of the exit of the rising shaft
(Click for a larger image)

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1 The brook referred to as the Chatterley Brook is actually a unnamed brook that flows from Weston-under-Penyard past Chackley Grove. It has only recently become referred to as the Chatterley Brook and locally it was previously known as Chackley Brook.

2 Flood Work Hit By Weak Teeth Ross-on-Wye Journal - Wednesday May 14, 2008

[Page updated: Feb 15 2011 13:31:59]

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