These are a couple of views of the River Wye looking down from the Prospect towards the Rowing Club Boat House.
Old Photos
A postcard view of the river Wye from Ross - on - Wye (Click for a larger image)
A postcard (published by Valentine) view of the river and the boat house. It has George VI (1936-52) stamps on the rear dating it to the first half of the 20 century.
A postcard (unknown publisher due to damage to back of card) view of the river and the boat house and it is titled "Horseshoe Bed, Ross-on-Wye". Being as the Bridstow Bridge can be seen in the background, and that was built in 1960, and the lack of trees and vegetation on the road then it's possibly circa 1961-1965.
A postcard view of the river Wye from Ross on Wye (Click for a larger image)
A postcard view of the river Wye from Ross on Wye (Click for a larger image)
A postcard (unknown publisher - no 14) titled "Horse Shoe Bend Ross-on-Wye" showing a view of the river and the boat house.
New Photo
A view from the Prospect of the river Wye (Click for a larger image)
A photo taken in October 2005 (hence the autumn haze) from the prospect, out over the horse shoe bend. I could not take the photo from the same location as the trees completely obscure the view lower down the bank.
This photo was taken in November 2005 from the prospect, looking out over a similar part of the horse shoe bend as is seen in the old pictures.
In comparison, the trees have grown, the A40 bypass has been built and the boat house has been rebuilt but the rest of the view in this direction has changed very little.
A view from the Prospect of the river Wye and boat house (Click for a larger image)