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Old Photos of Broad Street

These are various pictures of Broad Street in Ross-on-Wye.

The Kyrle Coffee House
The Kyrle Coffee House
[Unknown publisher]
(Click for a larger image)

This is a photo postcard of the Kyrle Coffee House (posted 1909 from Whitchurch) and although it is not clear if it is actually in Ross there are several references to a company of the same name in old directries.

Kyrle Coffee House Co. (Mrs Elizabeth Buckley, manageress) Broad Street
Kyrle Coffee - E Buckley

A postcard view of Broad Street Ross-on-Wye probably in the early 1900's judging by the three ponies and traps on the street.

The view down Broad Street
The view down Broad Street Ross-on-Wye
[unknown publisher - no. 10923]
(Click for a larger image)

Broad Street Ross-on-Wye
Baptist Church on Broad Street
[published by Friths - no 54483]
(Click for a larger image)

Here we see a postcard view of Broad Street looking up from the north end towards the Market House. This view is likely to be in the early 1900's as the Baptist Chapel has been altered, which was done in 1881, and Bank House is being used by the India and China tea company thus presumably dating it after 1900 when Perkins and Bellamy closed but it must be before 1939 as as there is no sign of the Roxy cinema on the left. This would have covered the frontage where the "Fish & Fruit" shop was up to "Bristol House" (3rd shop up on the left).

This shop looks like it was a news agents. The 2nd shop on the left appears to be a house wares shop as it looks like there are baskets outside. Further up the street, outside of Bank House, there is a large Burtons Jam sign. During World War I part of the Perkins and Bellamy site was used as a jam factory, maybe this is an advert related to that.

To the right is The Eagle Inn and a Tea Room just up from that. This tea room may well have been owned by "D Smith" who was a baker, pastrycook and confectioner (and seller of Fry's Chocolate) who owned the shop in around 1905 (according to Lily-Elsie). This shop is currently Seven Seas Fish Bar.

By about 1950, the first shop on the left was likely to have been "Sadlers" which was run by Mrs. Wild and she lived in Kent Avenue. She had a lodger called Hugh Armstrong who was a teacher at the school and some of the students occasionally had to visit him there for additional lessons. Next up was "Langfords" which was a tobacconists and this shared it's entrance with "Alf Jennings" which was hair dressers. This later moved to Gloucester Road, to the middle shop where the Beijing Chinese restaurant is now (as it was three shops at that time).

Just below "Sadlers" was "Gwalia Cafe" which was owned or run by Mr. Preece; this may well have been the start of the Gwalia newsagents.

This postcard, from around 1905, is a view up Broad Street specifically of the right-hand side of the street. It is noticable that both the left and right side of the street have less buildings in use as shops; these buildings appear to be houses probably status symbols for the more wealthy shop owners within Ross.

Although this is a printed card (rather than a photograph) there are a couple of shops that can be made out, this includes H. Hawkes at 16 Broad Street and The India and China Tea Company at 50 Broad Street.

Broad Street Ross in 1905
Broad Street Ross
[Published: St & Co. D. - no 26483]
(Click for a larger image)

This postcard is incorrectly titled Ross-on-Wye. High Street but it actually shows the west side of Broad Street.

On the far left can be seen the Crown and Sceptre inn. Outside the Crown is R.G. Wade's van (reg DCJ323). R G Wade was a baker and confectioner and had a shop at 24 Broad Street (previously William J. Williams, subsequently Fears Grill and now JDs & Jaquelines Night Club). The back of the van states that Wedding Birthday Cakes a Speciality.

Ross-on-Wye High Street (actually Broad Street)
Ross-on-Wye. High Street (actually Broad Street)
[published by Judges - no 23376]
(Click for a larger image)

Next down (1 Broad Street) is T. Steward's shop who were High Class Meat Purveyors (butchers). Below that is Ross Laundry Depot, for the Ross and District Sanitary Laundry Co. Ltd, Boots the Chemists.

On the opposite side is George Mason's and Eltome & Sons. The people in the shot seem to have little regard for the traffic as a number of them are walking down the middle of the road.

Sweeping Broad Street
Broad St. Ross
[published by R.E.Davies]
(Click for a larger image)

This is a view up Broad Street looking towards the Market House, from below the end of New Street.

The shot shows a number of men posing as if they are sweeping the street. There are also a number of boys stood around along with a number of dogs and a pony and trap.

To the far left is Benjamin's which was a cash chemists. On the right can be seen the Crown and Sceptre Inn and Broads Restaurant.

This view down Broad Street was taken in around 1918 and the only vehicles to be seen are a horse and cart and two ponies and traps.

There are a number of people out on the street who are watching the photographer.

Broad St. Ross 51
Broad St. Ross 51
[Unknown publisher]
(Click for a larger image)

Looking up Broad Street

The postcard below is a view looking up Broad Street and was taken in around 1945. There are a very large number of cars, vans and people on Broad Street.

View up Broad Street, Ross-on-Wye
Broad Street, Ross-on-Wye
[Unknown publisher]
(Click for a larger image)

On the left and right of the photo can be seen a number of shops. On the left can be seen Harold Williams (41 Broad Street) which appears to have been a Tea Shop, next up the street is E.V.Powell (42 Broad Street) who were a family butchers, then its the Roxy Cinema and above that is Kings Cafe (45 Broad Street). In Bank House it can be seen that Dazeley Brothers their house furnishing and gift shop.

On the right can be seen New Inn (now the Eagle) which was selling Golden Hop which was an Alton Court Brewery product. Next up is E.Sollis (I think) at 22 Broad Street which sold fish and chips (and is now Seven Seas Fishbar) and further up was National Savings (at 20 Broad Street). Futher up is a ladies hairdresser and Boots the Chemist. At the top can be seen the Horse and Jockey.

The cars have registrations such as JHW 628 (HW = Bristol), AUX 240 (UX = Shropshire) and CMY 352 (MY = Middlesex). The range of car registrations seems to indicate that the vehicles may have travelled considerable distances to get to Ross.

Other views

Here are a number of other old photo-postcard views of Broad Street, Ross-on-Wye.

Ross-on-Wye from the Town Hall
Ross-on-Wye from the Town Hall
[No. R222 published by Walter Scott]
(Click for a larger image)

Broad Street from under Market House
A postcard view out from under the Market House and down Broad Street
[No. 211831 published by Valentine & Sons]
(Click for a larger image)
Broad Street out from the Market House
A postcard view out from under the Market House and down Broad Street
[No. H.5284 published by Valentine & Sons]
(Click for a larger image)

Broad Street and Market Place
A postcard view down Broad Street
[No. 67704 published by Frith's - posted 1916]
(Click for a larger image)
Broad Street as seen from the Market House window
Broad Street as seen from the Market House Window
[Unknown publisher - posted 1933]
(Click for a larger image)

The view down Broad Street
The view down Broad Street Ross-on-Wye
[No. S 7196 published by Kingsway]
(Click for a larger image)
Looking down Broad Street
The view down Broad Street Ross-on-Wye
[No. 76885 published by F. Frith & Co Ltd - posted 1932]
(Click for a larger image)

Broad Street, Ross-on-Wye
Broad Street, Ross-on-Wye
[No. 21204 published by Salmon - posted 1962]
(Click for a larger image)
Broad Street, Ross
Broad Street: Ross-on-Wye
[No. R334 published by Walter Scott]
(Click for a larger image)

Ross Broad Street
Ross Broad Street
[No. 6448 published by Frith's]
(Click for a larger image)
Broad Street Ross-on-Wye
Broad Street, Ross-on-Wye
[No. RS150 published by Friths]
(Click for a larger image)

Broad Street. Ross-on-Wye
Broad Street. Ross on Wye.
[Unknown publisher]
(Click for a larger image)
Ross, Broad Street
Ross, Broad Street
[No.76886 published by Friths]
(Click for a larger image)

Ross, Broad Street No. 67704
Ross, Broad Street
[No. 67704 published by Friths]
(Click for a larger image)
The Market in Broad Street
The Market in Broad Street, Ross on Wye.
[T.S.RS.93 published by Friths]
(Click for a larger image)

Broad Street c. 1907
Ross. Broad Street. circa 1907
[Unknown publisher]
(Click for a larger image)

This is a very clear shot of the top of Broad Street. Down the right side can be seen Edmund Turner & Co. shoe and boot maker, Eltome mens outfitter and Innell & Wharton Ironmongers. On the left side is the Crown and Sceptre selling Salt & Co. Ales and Stout. In the street are various men, women and children in the outfits of the time and several men in bowler hats. Also there are various horses and carts and ponys and traps parked in the street as their owners carry out their business.

Broad Street c. 1950
RS 113 Broad Street, Ross-on-Wye
[Published: F. Frith & Co Ltd, Reigate]
(Click for a larger image)

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[Page updated: Nov 19 2017 19:02:57]

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